A Saturday Stroll

I am now a part of a blog circle, with “Where We Live” theme. It means that every month a group of us will photograph where we live and share the images on our blogs, linking to each other (you will see the link at the bottom of this post), for the viewers to see our world through our camera lens.

And what a beautiful idea it is, to slow down once a month, to really look around you, to discover something in your usual surroundings that you might not notice in the whirlwind of the everyday life. To bring the picture up on your computer screen later and have the renewed appreciation of home.

Since we only recently moved to where we are now (that is from a very busy suburb in Sydney to a super quiet and relaxed corner of the Central Coast), I still have that curiosity of being a newcomer. My vision is still fresh, and my camera is often hanging off my neck, ready to capture the moments of the new life.

One sunny, wintry Saturday (but you could already sense the little hints of spring in the air) we left the house for a lazy stroll along the beach, to enjoy the soft light of the setting sun, the vision of the boats bobbling on the bay waters, the beautiful skies with a rainbow peeking from underneath the clouds. In moments like this time goes slowly, peacefully. The little one enjoyed it too, being quiet and content, just watching the world and sending us the most charming smiles from his Ergo.

Here are the snippets of that afternoon, through my lens.


Want to see some gorgeous photos of Hawaii ? Make sure you click HERE to visit the website of Marian Diop!

Karen Buchanan - August 13, 2014 - 2:03 pm

I’ve always wanted to visit Australia. I’m going to have to live vicariously through your photos for the next few months! It looks gorgeous there.

Marian - August 15, 2014 - 1:09 pm

Wow, its really pretty and your use of light/sun flare is beautiful. I want to visit Australia so much!