The Road Ahead and the Leap Year

“You must listen to the whisper which is heard by you alone”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

So here we are, it is the last day of February, and the promise is kept – here is my self portrait for the last month of summer.  It is a last day of February on a leap year.

The weather this summer was weird. But I didn’t mind. Why? Because I spent A LOT of time in front of my computer during summer months. Since we live in a split-level apartment, and the aircon is only available in the living room downstairs, it can get really (read: unbearably) warm in the office upstairs. The advantage of cool summer is the ability to be upstairs and not suffer from dehydration and total brain-melt, and actually being productive.

I wrote my goals in January. I started making them real in February. I knew what the road ahead was going to be like – tough but rewarding. Exciting. The path to walk, the way to grow. So many exciting things lay ahead. I look forward to them, whatever it takes. Leap year. The keyword is ‘leap’. The only way to go is up, and that is what I tried to capture in this month’s self-portrait.

Ah yes, it was my birthday month too! When else to take stock of your life and things to be grateful for than on you birthday?

February Self Portrait

Wishing every one of you an amazing leap year ahead. We have an extra day this year, imagine how many exciting things you can fit it in extra 24 hours!